Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ode to Famous Infertile Couples: Part 1

Every day for the next week, I will be honoring well-known couples who suffered from infertility.

I was thinking yesterday, about how when I tell some people about our journey, I am usually sure to tell them that God is working in all of this.  One woman said to me, "Oh, don't worry, God will give you a baby in His time!"

Yes, I know this.  I have faith, that one day, God will grant us children.  But, I also know that God wants us to be grateful for the present moments.  That as a child of God, "chosen and holy" according to Deuteronomy 7:6, I have a long family line to look to and see that we are not experiencing anything new and that God uses infertility to fulfill His great purposes.  He has done so throughout history.

I also recalled, while preparing for this week of 'Ode to Famous Infertile Couples' that the entertainment industry has a way of sprinkling in real life issues into their characters. I will get to those later.

For now, my first couple, Abraham and Sarah.

(Genesis 13- 18) God promised Abraham and Sarah numerous descendants, yet they had no children.  When Sarah became pregnant with Isaac, she was 90 years old!  And Abraham was 100 years old!

How many countless months, and then years, did Sarah think: "Maybe this month?  Maybe this time?" But for her hopes to be dashed.  It got to the point, when physically and medically speaking, to be pregnant was impossible! Sarah laughed when she overheard that she would bear a son (Genesis 18:10-13).  God proved that He controls all things, and He can make the impossible happen.  God made it so there is little room to question His power, and His hand, in establishing His chosen people. You would have to make some pretty huge leaps to try and say that this was not a miracle and required an act of God! Abraham was sure, and had faith that God would fulfill His promise, he was just not sure what it was going to look like.  God did not reveal His plan until the time came.

I know that God is doing a similar thing with me and Zach.  While I hope we will not be 90 or 100 years old!! I do know that God never changes.  I know he uses the weaknesses of his chosen people to demonstrate His glory! In Abraham and Sarah's case, their age.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Haley! It's always reassuring to know that these things happened back in the bible times too :) PS. I made a similar post last year about hoping the same thing (that we are not 100 before God answers our prayers). Haha, I really hope that is not the case for either of us!
