Saturday, July 9, 2011

I have been seeking out what Christ followers around the world face, and ways that they worship in their own, unique cultures.  I love to hear how Jesus appeals to those in different cultures, and how the Gospel of Christ is universal. Today, Zach and I listened to our friends who recently went to Japan for a misson trip.  He told how this one 20 something year old girl, bold and full of life, wanted to "hear it straight" as she put it.  She wanted to know exactly who Jesus was and why it mattered to her and her life.  Her response to the gospel message was, "DO OTHER PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THIS??"  Her father was a Buddist priest, she grew up Buddist.  She had heard things about Jesus, and just thought he was just another 'moral teacher' along with Muhammad and Budda.  But not that he went to die willingly to atone for her sin!
 "I never knew how important Jesus was..." she just kept repeating.  I love hearing stories like this, because I can always relate somehow. 

I knew Jesus was important, but I didn't know just how important He truely was and still is today, until nearly two years ago.  Like that girl in Japan, I felt the need to tell others. 

  As an American Christain, I tend to forget that my brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering around the world for the sake of the Gospel.

The stories of people you hardly read about in the news; in prison, beaten, even killed in much of the Arab nations as well as Africa, Asia, and around the globe.  It is so easy to forget and take for granted that I can worship freely. 

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