Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ask, seek, knock

My mom had a great post regarding patience in the life of a Christain.  Romans 8:25 "But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."  Observing this passage- But is a structural indicator meaning a contrast-points out dissimilarities between throughts or ideas.  The prior verse says, "Who hopes for what he already has?" so in contrast to that is v 25. "Hope" and "wait" are present tense verbs and patiently is the adj that discribes how we wait.  The definition of wait: To remain in expectation.  The definition of hope: To wish for something with expectation.  In the noun form, "hope" is a desire accompanied by confident expectation. 

Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry." But what exactly are we to DO while we wait??  I ask.  Even when I am sitting in a doctor's waiting room, I need to be DOING something while I wait.  I struggle with being patient, and I am really no good at waiting. I think God is using the things that I am wanting for in order to bring me closer to Him.  Yesterday, Zach said, "I think we should ask God for this." In  Matt 7:7 Jesus commands us, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Ok, that's a little better for me, it's active; I can ask, I can knock, and I can seek!  We prayed that morning together, and I was in tears, pleading with God to allow the hopes and dreams of my heart to become reality.  Later in the day, I was at one of my patient's home, a family that only speaks Spanish, very minimal English.  But somehow, we got into a conversation about how great God is!! And how much we love the Lord, Jesus!  Background: This mother and father have a severely disabled child.  Then they asked to pray for me!!! This was extremely humbling.  I said, sure, yes; that would be great, thinking they would later go in their room tonight and mention me in their prayers.  But no!! This faithful man of God, the father of one of my most difficult and severe patients, jumped up and grabbed my hand! He led me and his wife in prayer, pleading with God in Spanish, the same desires of my heart Zach and I had asked that morning!!  It reminded me, that God doesn't just speak English, He is not white.  He transends race, color, language, and cultures!! He is the God who Comforts us all!! This family, that I have to call in a translator to talk to them about their son, prayed a prayer that I could understand perfectly!

1 comment:

  1. Haley, I do not deserve such a beautiful daughter, but I thank and praise God for you. Thank you for your encouragement. I have faith God will give you the desire of your heart. He has in so many ways. I love you precious one.
