Monday, November 12, 2012

Through other people's eyes

You know that old song lyric, "You never know just how you look through other people's eyes"?

Well, this devo message made me think a little about that song, and mostly about one of my biggest fears and weaknesses.  At times, I feel like a geneticly engineered people pleaser.  I know I am this way, it's one of my biggest struggles.   You could say, " I was born this way."  Which is why I am amazed when God calls me to face my fears, and write things or say things from His Word when I feel acutely aware of the scrutiny of others.  That I am offending people, or it may result in someone I care about to avoid me, or maybe not, but I do fear that as a possible reality.  That's why this message really hit home for me, and has been on my mind and heart.

This excerpt is from October 12th's Jesus Calling devotional book.

"Beware of seeing yourself through other people's eyes. There are several dangers to this practice.  

First of all, it is nearly impossible to discern what others actually think of you.  Moreover, their views

 of you are variable: subject to each viewer's spiritual, emotional, and physical condition.  The major 

problem with letting others define you is that it borders on idolatry.  Your concern to please others 

dampens your desire to please Me, your Creator. 

It is much more real to see yourself through My eyes.  My gaze upon you is steady and sure, 

untainted by sin.  Through My eyes you can see yourself as one who is deeply, eternally loved.  Rest 

in My loving gaze, and you will receive deep Peace.  Respond to My loving Presence by worshiping 

Me in spirit and in truth."

God, help me to seek you, and to continually see myself through Your eyes.  That I am Your child, called out and redeemed for Your good purpose and pleasure.  Help me to see others through Your eyes as well.  Beloved creation, made in Your image, and dearly loved.  Amen.


  1. Thanks for this reminder, Haley. This reminds me of a book someone gave me my senior year in high school: June Hunt's "Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes." Right before I became Christian, I didn't understand my true value, place, or identity, because I was thinking of myself in relation to others — "I'm these guys' best friend. They think I'm special." But the book used Scripture to outline my true identity as a child of God. The way He sees us is completely different from the way the world sees us!

  2. And you, my sister and my sister in Christ, are a blessing to me! Sometimes seeing your example convicts me so I guess you could say it's not "pleasing," to me, haha, but I'm so grateful that you prize God's gaze above all others!

  3. Thank you! Aub, I remember you reading that book ! Do you still have a copy?
