Friday, November 2, 2012

That if....


What God says:

Romans 10:9 

"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is LORD," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 

What people say: 

That if you......follow the Ten Commandments

That if you.....were sprinkled by water in baptism as an infant

That if you.....were dunked in water in baptism

That if you.....participate in the Sacraments 

That if you......pray

That if you.....serve the poor and needy

That if you.....have a special rosary blessed by the Pope

That if you.....have parents who gave money to the Church

That if you..... come from a good family 

That if you....donate money to the Church

That if you......reason with God

That if you....wear a cross necklace 

That if you.... wear a blessed scapular 

That if you.....appeal to the Saints

That if you....hold a high position in the Church

That if you....attend a Bible study

"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.  (v 10a) For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified"

Once we are saved, we don't "move on" from the Gospel, we "move into" the Gospel.  The truth that "Jesus is LORD" is then applied to every aspect of my life.  I know Christians will say, because I have said it, "yeah, I know this, don't worry about me, I am saved." But the Good News needs to be retold to us, we need to hear it again and again, so that we continue to live it actively, not as something in our past.  As ones who have confessed "Jesus is Lord" we then move on to confess "Jesus is Lord...of my house, of my job, of my family, of my future, of my relationships, of my finances, of my time, and yes, even of my Facebook page..."

God is living and He is active! Help me Lord to grow up in You!

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