Wednesday, November 16, 2011


"Blessing is not merely getting things from God, but experiencing the presence of God."

"To be blessed is not to live free of struggle, but to cling to Christ in the midst of the struggle."

" Blessing comes not through grasping, but through trusting and being willing to wait on God." - Nancy Guthrie

I am learning so much from the story of Jacob in Genesis! 

God has been so awesome to me this week, and it is EXCITING to live walking with Jesus.  Learning each day new and exciting things, this week; blessings. The quotes above are from the Bible study book The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis, that has been the guide for the fall women's bible study.  It amazes me that 1. You don't have to look that hard to see Jesus, He is the promised one!  and 2. I continue to find connection with Scripture even in the Old Testament to our world today! 

What a bigger picture I have been seeing this week. 

Many times in conversations, either I am a part of or over hear, I listen to how people refer to and talk about 'blessings' or 'being blessed.'  It is easy to see visible, tangable, material blessings.  I am blessed with an amazing husband, God has given me this man to show me, even just a smiggin, of how much He loves and adores me.  A visible, tangable blessing.  A good job, especially in this economy is a blessing.  I have such an enjoyable job God has intrusted to me, it is fulfilling to me, I feel I get to make a direct impact on people's lives and that is wonderful to experience.  I see Butters as a blessing from God!  She is just a great golden retriever who gives me love and laughter.  A nice rental house, enough food everyday, the free country I live in, friends, family.  I will tell you a secret, a personal blessing, Starbucks gift cards!  (haha)

It is a good thing to count your blessings.  This year, I have come to realize some blessings that may not be visible, tangable things, but are no less wonderful gifts from God in fact; better in many ways because nothing spoils them, they do not deteriorate or change in circumstance.

I was given the gift of salvation-- my name is in His book of Life, almost 3 years ago now.  That is God's blessing through the work of Jesus on the cross, it remains unchanged for the rest of my days.  My job could change, if medicad no longer covers OT- then my job could end.  People and animals don't live forever.  God is the only One I can count on ultimately.

God has also blessed me in some ways I cannot completely describe.  The blessing of experiencing His presence, is more precious than gold.  I get to feel His life in me, His words.  I get to read His precious words everyday.  That is a gift and a blessing when I am faced with real life trials, I have been blessed with a God who I can lean on.  Knowing that no matter what, I am never alone. 

" is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)

I have been increadibly blessed with the opportunity to give finacially this year to various causes.  It is true what Jesus himself said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. 

I realized another specific blessing from God, in the story of Jacob.  (Genesis 25:19-35:21) Jacob used manipulation and lies to get what he wanted in life, what he knew should be his.  I won't get into the entire story, there is so much to it. But, my favorite part of Jacob's story, is when he is wrestling with God (Genesis 32:22-31)   Physically, he fights God, all night. 

This is where I found God's blessing. God would rather us fight and wrestle with Him than for us to pretend He is not there.  Let me say that again, God is so big and so real that He can take (and He invites!) your questions, your anger and frustration to Him.  He created the stars and the whole world, and He will take time to wrestle it out with you.

"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

This is a blessing from God, when I seek Him I find Him when I search for God with all my heart.  I have experienced it this year, the ultimate blessing which is God Himself. 

"Blessing is not merely getting things from God, but experiencing the presence of God."

I have had the blessed opportunity to go to God with my questions, my personal frustrations, "wrestle" with Him, and God has shown me how to trust Him.  Friend, that is joy! 

"To be blessed is not to live free of struggle, but to cling to Christ in the midst of the struggle."

Eph 1:3 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,"

Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless you, in Jesus' name!

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