Friday, July 26, 2013


A week from today, we leave for India!  This summer of preparations has been a time of powerful growth for me in my personal walk with Christ.  

I had the pleasure of joining a summer support group, we call ourselves, "Moms-in-the-Making."  It has been something I look forward to every week, and I know I will miss it come this fall.  I am grateful for our facebook group updates!

The girls have lifted me up, renewing my heart with God's word: washing over me and refreshing me.  They have given me the courage and strength to accomplish some practical things like significantly reduce my caffeine intake and begin workouts with a personal trainer to get my body healthier.  I know that when I do get pregnant, my body will be more prepared!  And I feel a hope and peace that I did not feel before.

My friend from Colorado texted me this verse: Acts 1:8 "Jesus said you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth." 

Praying for Zach and I as we prepare for India! 

I can't wait to learn from the people we are going to meet over there!  Experience a different culture, and what God is doing and how Jesus is being proclaimed in a country where Christianity is a small minority as opposed to here in the US where there seems to be a church on every corner.  

Tonight we meet with our team to discuss details of the trip!  

I am just singing praises to my God today!  

"My God is so BIG! So strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do!"

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