Sunday, August 5, 2012

So Praise God, we don't have to hide scars

Today and this weekend was a convicting time for me.  Several posts ago, I talked about Legalism.  I ended with my struggles with not feeling 'good enough' for God.  The other ugly out come of legalism is self-righteousness.  My indignant looking's - on at the world around me, and thinking, "How could they?!"

I think that is something I need to be aware of, because thinking and acting like I am spiritually or morally superior can have damaging effects not only in my own walk with Christ, but also damaging to others.  The last thing the world needs is another hypocritical Christian to trip over to see Jesus.

Zach and I were talking about everything going on this past week in the media, politics, and Facebook. We talked through the issues, and Zach made an incredible statement.

"At the end of the day, no matter what the person's background, where they are or what they are doing.  That man (or woman) is no different than me, a sinner in need of a Savior."

My prayer focus this week: 1. Praise God, He alone is Holy!  God Show me Your holiness! 2. Praise God, we don't have to hide scars!  I linked the music and lyrics to this song that I have been thinking about recently.  Each of us has our scars.  The wounds of sin.  I once heard a counselor say how all pain and suffering in the world is because of the effects of sin. Think about it.  Whether it's sin we commit ourselves, sin of someone else inflicted directly on us even though we did nothing to deserve it we still suffer, or just the side effects of living in a broken world.  Whatever our scars look like and wherever they come from, Jesus invites us to bear our scars to Him.  Like the song says, by His scars, we are healed.

So, let's level the playing field, shall we? 3. I am praying this month, for an opportunity for me to bear my scars with someone and that Jesus shines through (despite me).  Because my scars remind me where I have been, but that's not who I am.  All that He has done for me, healed me, washed me clean, made my crimson stained self white as snow.  He can do that for anyone walking this earth.  So, praise God!

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