Monday, March 7, 2011

My confession.

What is confession? 

"When we fill our hearts with the glory of God (through Adoration) and pray as Jesus taught us, 'Hallowed be your name,' the natural movement of our hearts is to see the darkness of our lives in light of his radiance." ....

"Confession is the courageous and honest admission that we have violated God's holy law and are in desperate need of forgiveness." (How Do We Pray? Discipleship Essentials)

One question I had for a long while is, how do I confess? Do I tell people? Be it friends or family?  Do I chastise myself when I know I messed up?  Do I say a silent prayer to God? Do I talk out loud?

The Greek word, confess means "to agree with." How should we look at this? When we confess, we are agreeing with God with what He sees (Foster, 1998). 

We often talk about what God blesses us with.  "I am very blessed to have a great husband!" "I am so blessed to have a job in this economy!" " My children are a blessing from God!"

While this is true, I think that conviction of our sin is: 1. A blessing from God. 2. Only something God can do.

It is a blessing from God, in that we are clearly able to see our depravity and desperate need for God's rescue through Jesus.  Zach and I were watching a documentary following a group of young soilders in combat in Afghanistan.  In an extra interview of a young man returned home.  He states his severe guilt for the things he has done 'over there.'  Innocent lives taken at his hand, in some cases.  He said he hated it when well meaning people told him, "Don't feel bad, you did what you had to do." This, he said, made him angry.  "I didn't have to go there....I'm not a religious guy, but what is God going to say when I die and face Him? 'Oh, don't worry.' With a pat on the back. 'You did what you had to do, son, just comon' into heaven.' I don't f***ing think so."

This man knows the bad news, that he deserves death for what he has done.  I remember when I realized that for the evil things I had done and not done.  It is then, that we can really appriciate the Good News!  Jesus paid the price.  If we take all those terrible things to Him, we can be washed clean.  That man, can go to God when he faces him and say, "I claim Jesus, your Son, as my only way into heaven." And God will welcome him in!  Today, while still on earth, we can talk to God in prayer because of Jesus.  When we confess, we are freed to see that much more and get that much closer to God, our Father. 

Proverbs 3:11-12
"My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in."

This is repeated in the New Testament:
Hebrews 12:6 "because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."

To be sure, we must be careful not to confuse God's conviction with Satan's accusations.  I wrote a chart:

Satan's Accusations:                             vs.      God's Conviction:
- causes feelings of unworthy                           - leads to godly sorrow
                                                                        "Blessed are those who morn"(Matt 5:4) 
                                                                        - leads to restoration
                                                                        -  focused on a specific sin
to be God's child                                        -remember "there is no condimnation in Christ"
- General unnamed guilt
-put downs
- feel discouraged
- nagging messages "You call
yourself a Christain? Who are you kidding?"

Here is the link to the video of the service where Zach and I shared our card board testimonies. 

I am now going to share how I look at confessing my sins. 

ME: I love my dog, Butters.  She brings me so much joy, laughter, and love.  I am crazy about her.  But, Butters does poop. It's gross. She can't not poop, and she can't clean it up herself. 

GOD: I love my daughter, Haley.  She brings me so much joy, laughter, and love.  I am crazy about her.  But, Haley does sin. It's gross. She can't not sin, and she can't clean it up herself.

This is what I did.  I wrote out each of my specific sins on a note card.  Every shameful act.  From sexual sin to lying.  I read each one out loud to God, and took ownership of the wrong.  And told him that I put it at His feet.  I ripped each one up and put it in a plastic grocery sack, and then I threw it out, just like Butters poop. 

God redeems us, and gives us victories. Once you realize, there is nothing you can do on your own about it. Through the sanctification process, I learn more and more about what sins God has helped me overcome, and what sins I still struggle with.

1 comment:

  1. Haley, you have made some great analagies: Butter's poop. That is very thought provoking. We all sin and it takes our master to clean us up. Yes. Good news indeed. And what a wonderful master we have in God.
